Don’t Miss the Dirt Join the Cleanup Crew-mmunity! Name * First Name Last Name Email * What is your zip code? * Tell us where you are so we can keep you informed of clean-ups in your area. Phone (###) ### #### I'd like to be informed of Fabulous Filth-Fighting opportunities! * Inform me of every single clean-up! Inform me of clean-ups in my area only. I'd like to volunteer to support this effort in other ways than cleaning. I would like to receive monthly updates from SAFE. Anything else you'd like us to know? Let us know if you have any particular skills you'd like to be put to use. Or if you're not able to clean yourself but would like to help, let us know how you'd like to be involved! Thank You for Joining the Cleanup Crew and stepping up to help restore LA! 💛 You’re officially part of the grime-fighting squad, and we couldn’t be more excited to have you on board.What’s next?We’ll keep you updated with clean-up opportunities and ways you can lend your skills to make a real impact. Stay tuned for details coming your way soon!In the meantime, grab your tools, stay motivated, and get ready to help LA shine again. Together, we’ll turn the mess into success! 💪✨Thanks for being a cleanup hero,The Streets Are For Everyone Team